After she saw Jean’s new dulcimer, Lynn and I have worked out most of the details of her new teardrop instrument. Here is the first post of the initial sketches and raw fretboard.

I like working with paper when planning a project that differs from my standard hourglass shape. Modifications are easy to accomplish.

The fretboard requires the most precise work. Here, I have already measured, marked and started the fret slots. I finalize the slots with a Japanese fret saw.

The board is complete,

and the rough shapes of the peg head and tailstock are cut and clamped.

This is my standard scroll pattern that I use on most of my dulcimers. It has evolved over the years.

All the pieces (except for the sides) are ready to assemble.

Strips are added to the back to support the sides.

I cut out the sound hole designs,

and attached the fretboard.

The back is added,

and the sides.

After a couple of coats of hand-rubbed polyurethane, I installed the Grover “Sta-tite” friction tuning pegs and the Vega banjo strings. Dulcimer #45 is complete and ready for delivery.